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“A thousand teachers,

a thousand methods.”

-Chinese Proverb


Indeed, as I observed different teachers at Kesatuan Bangsa School especially the Mathematics teachers, I can say that they have different and various methods in teaching and it depends on the needs of the students and sometimes with the topic.


I saw that some of the teachers employ inquiry method . They believe that they will never be able to help children learn if they will just simply tell them everything they need to know. Rather, they’re firm on their belief that they must provide them with opportunities to explore, inquire and discover new learning. Thus, sometimes I observed that the classes were a bit spontaneous and a self-directed exploration.











The teachers are also influenced by some well-known educators like John Dewey, Lev Vygotsky and Jerome Bruner. These famous individuals were popular, since they were the proponent of  Constructivism. The teachers’ beliefs at Kesatuan are anchored on this theory. They are  firmly convinced that:  learning is an active process in which the learner constructs new ideas or concepts based on his or her current and past knowledge, thus, children who are constructivist learners are participatory learners and are actively engaged in the learning process;and learning is influenced significantly by social development and learning took place of a child’s social development and culture, thus, the teacher always do collaborative learning and group activity.


Indeed, I can say that the institution has considered the traditional way of teaching obsolete. It has completely embraced the modern way of teaching and facilitating the class and it is rooted on their ultimate goal- to generate graduates with the ability to compete and to contribute positively to the interests of the global community of the future.

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