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Kesatuan Bangsa School has different system in terms of class hours. The teachers don’t meet everyday with the student. For an instance, one subject is only 5 hours a week, thus, I meet my students twice a week only. One meeting is 2 periods, and one period is 40 minutes. Therefore, during my final demo teaching in angle, I had to maximize my 80 minutes.


I allotted specific time for each segment since I used the 4 E’s; Engage, Explore, Elaborate, and Evaluate.


  • Engage- 10 minutes

(I opened my lesson on angles by engaging my students by letting them give many examples of              objects that represent angles. I also supplemented it with pictures that I prepared on my power              point presentation)


  • Explore and Elaborate- 45 minutes

(We tried to explore and elaborate the topic on angles. I prepared a group activity for my 13                                 students, and I call it “What’s the word?” since they to had to match the words to its cut-out                 meaning/picture. After they tried guessing on their activity, I started to discuss the definition of                 angles, naming angles, and classifying angles according to their measure. As I discussed the                 terms and concepts, my student had the opportunity to check their answers on the activity that      they did.)


  • Evaluate- 20 minutes

(Giving a worksheet but It was by pair)

  • Elaborate/ Generalization-5 minutes

(concluded and generalized the topic, putting everything in a nutshell.)


 I was so happy because I finished everything on time. This was actually one of the positive comments of my mentor and the other teacher observer.


My group activity was also excellent since before I entered the classroom, I already prepared the grouping and the captain of each group. The did their activity on time also.

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